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发布时间:2021-10-25 13:02 来源: 点击量:

讲座名称:2021年国际疾病与生物标志物研讨会】 Protein Kinase CK2 is a Biomarker and a Potential Therapeutic Target for Cancer     

讲座人:秦宏伟 教授







Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide. Protein kinase CK2, a serine-threonine kinase, is overexpressed in many human cancers, and most often overexpression is associated with worse prognosis. CK2 is a ubiquitously expressed and constitutive activated, which is considered the most pleiotropic protein kinase in the human kinome. The predominant roles of CK2 are stimulating cell growth and prevention of apoptosis.

Over the last decade, expression levels of CK2 are associated with CK2 pathological functions in human tumors. Basic and translational studies have provided evidence of CK2 as a pivotal molecule driving the growth of many cancers, including solid tumors and blood malignancies. As a key regulator of signaling networks, CK2 could induce the activation of JAK/STAT, NF-kB and AKT-mTOR pathways, which are critical for cell proliferation, survival and drug resistance. CK2 also is an oncogene can synergize with known oncogenes, such as RAS during tumorigenesis.

Here, I reported that the expression levels of CK2 subunits in human tumor tissues using the database Oncomine. In addition, the correlation between CK2 expression and overall survival using the Kaplan-Meier Plotter database also discussed. Furthermore, the therapeutic effects of CK2 inhibitors in cancer growth, specifically the CX4945, was discussed. All these findings from these studies suggest that CK2 is a valuable therapeutic target in solid tumors and leukemias. The initiation of clinical trials shown success on using CK2 inhibitors in cancer patients. We conclude that the CK2 inhibitors are novel therapeutic strategies for treating cancer patients.

As such, the more detailed investigations on CK2 as a cancer biomarker for diagnosis and prediction of progression and as a novel target for cancer therapy are needed in cancer research.









讲座名称:2021年国际疾病与生物标志物研讨会】Small Molecule-Drug Conjugate Nanomedicine Strategy for Cancer Chemotheropy










Targeted therapy is an effective strategy for precision medicine in cancer treatment. The conventional cancer chemotherapeutic agents which are still widely used in clinic is lack of the selectivity and specificity, resulting in narrow safety profiles and toxicity to normal organs. The ADCs made a successful application recently, more than ten ADCs have been used in clinic for different types of cancers and dozens of more ADCs are under clinical investigations. However, ADCs face the problems of low drug-loading capacity, limitation of the ability to extravasate and penetrate deep into a solid tumor mass, and toxicity caused by the continuous premature drug cleavage etc. Alternatively, the replacement of the mAb in ADCs with small molecule targeting ligands leads to the development of small molecule-drug conjugates (SMDCs) that have the potential to overcome the disadvantages of ADCs. Moreover, SMDCs with multifuntional properties could not only keep tumor targeting but also might reduce the tumor metastasis which is the main reason of death caused by cancer.  E-selectin plays an essential role in the early stage of metastasis, it can recognize some carbohydrate structure on the surface of tumor cells and mediate the adhesion between cancer cells and the endothelial cells, which is the first step of tumor migaration.  We use a specific E-selectin ligand for development of new multifunctional SMDCs that are based on a  ternary conjugate of PEG, peptide CIELLQAR (8CR) and the hydrophobic anticancer drugs. The peptide is an E-selectin ligand, which is used for targeting activated tumor vasculature and inhibiting metastasis, besides, this kind of drug delivery system could form nanosized micelles in aqueous solution, leading to a significantly improved antitumor response and metastasis inhibition. This SMDCs possess the following characteristics: 1) passive tumor targeting induced by EPR effect of the nanoparticles and actively target the tumor angiogenesis with specific peptide ligands, 2) multi-antitumor effects at the same time, including inhibition of tumor angiogenesis, inhibition of tumor cells growth adjacent to tumor vasculature and inhibition of tumor metastasis.










讲座名称:2021年国际疾病与生物标志物研讨会】Biochemical sensors based on plasmonic doped semiconductors

讲座人:JianzhenOu 副教授





JianzhenOu,博士(纳米材料与技术)与本科(电子通信工程)均毕业于澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学(RMIT University)。现任澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学先进电子与传感器研究中心(Centre for Advanced Electronics and Sensors)代理主任、高级研究员、博士生导师。欧博士主要从事纳米功能材料和微纳米电子、光学以及传感器的研究。迄今为止,他共发表90余篇高质量SCI文章,其中包括《Science》、《Nature Electronics》、《Nature Communications》等国际顶尖期刊、总引用数超过4700H因子为38。欧博士在其研究生涯中屡获殊荣,他获得了澳大利亚维多利亚政府颁发的维多利亚学者称号、马尔科姆摩尔工业奖章、澳大利亚研究理事会优秀青年研究员发现奖、德国传感器协会创新奖提名以及中国国家优秀自费留学生等奖项。欧博士作为项目主持人主持了五项澳大利亚国家重点项目基金(合人民币1050万元),并作为项目核心成员参与了总额超过1亿3千万人民币的澳大利亚国家重点实验室建设项目,同时他参与组建了总投资超过4亿人民币的澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学微纳米研究中心。在产品商业化方面,欧博士现已获得了4项国际专利的授权,并成功从澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学分拆创立了Atmo Bioscience科技公司,并获得了第一轮约合2000万人民币的投资,现担任该公司的技术总顾问。



Traditional plasmonic materials mainly composed of noble metal nanostructures, which has been of great importance in creating high-performance biochemical sensors due to its sensitivity to changes in the surrounding medium and the generation of resonantly enhanced nanoscale light fields. However, the fixed and relatively large free charge concentrations in these noble metals result in great damping losses and prohibit its potential implementation in future on-chip plasmonic sensing systems. More importantly, their sensitivities are only limited to the biochemical events which induce significant change of the ambient refractive-index. It is beyond its capability for many others which are mostly charge-transfer-mediated. Degenerately doped semiconductors are an emerging class of plasmonic materials for which plasmonic features can be controlled by the concentration of dopants in the crystal structure. This unique feature can offer new dimensions for plasmonic biochemical sensing by allowing charge-based detection. In this seminar, I will introduce a new class of tunable plasmonic materials based on either sub-stoichiometric or heavily doped two-dimensional (2D) molybdenum oxides. Due to their capabilities for accommodating a large number of vacancies and ions, their plasmonic properties can be tuned across the whole visible spectrum and the near-red end of the NIR region, which are more viable for commercial applications than other doped semiconductors. Furthermore, through the demonstration of a few representative biochemical sensing models, the sensitivities of these materials are impressive as the structural vacancies and inserted dopants are facilely exchanged from the 2D planar host during biochemical events, providing an unprecedented opportunity in developing high performance biochemical sensors.











讲座名称:【2021年国际疾病与生物标志物研讨会】Construction and biological applications of noble metal nanoenzymes

讲座人:李春霞 教授





李春霞,教授,博导,国家优秀青年基金获得者,山东省泰山学者特聘专家。主要从事无机功能纳米材料(稀土功能材料、光热转换材料和纳米酶等)的可控合成、性能调控及在生物医学领域应用的研究工作,已发表论文150余篇,包括Chem. Soc. Rev.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.Adv. Mater.ACS Nano等化学及材料领域的著名期刊,H因子为77。主持包括国家优秀青年基金在内的多项基金;四次入选全球材料学科高被引科学家



Hypoxia in solid tumors severely affects the effectiveness of oxygen-dependent photodynamic therapy. It is usually difficult to achieve satisfactory therapeutic effects with single treatment modality, and it is a major challenge for immunotherapy to reverse the tumor microenvironment and enhance anti-tumor immunity. To this end, a variety of noble metal nanoenzymes have been designed to address the above issues. These nanoenzymes have the activity of multiple natural enzymes while maintaining the stability of nanomaterials, which can achieve synergistic and efficient treatment of tumors








讲座名称:2021年国际疾病与生物标志物研讨会】Optics based biomedical imaging

讲座人:王德鹏 教授





王德鹏,教授,男,199010月生,甘肃白银人,20182月博士毕业于State University of New York生物医学工程专业,20219月入职能源与动力学院动力工程系性能与气动力学研究室



Biomedical optical imaging is an important subdivision of optical imaging to understand the anatomy and function of life. In principle, biomedical optical imaging systems form an image by manipulating the excitation light and detecting the signals originating from light and tissue interactions. Ever since the invention of the first optical microscope over 1000 years ago, biomedical optical imaging technologies have been steadily evolving to enable faster, deeper, and higher resolution imaging. These technologies have led to a more comprehensive understanding of life at the macro-, micro-, and nanoscales and have improved clinical diagnosis and treatment.

This seminar focuses on three optics-based biomedical imaging, specifically photoacoustic computed tomography, light-field fluorescence imaging, and trans-illumination imaging. For photoacoustic computed tomography, the seminar will cover high-speed, high-resolution photoacoustic imaging systems, and their applications in structural imaging of human blood vessels and functional imaging of animal intestines. For light-field fluorescence imaging, the seminar will talk about high- and super-resolution light field microscopies and their performance in imaging large-scale neural activity of zebrafish labeled with calcium indicator. For Trans-illumination imaging, the seminar will present a multi-color and dual-mode system for intestinal imaging of free-moving mice. Each of the three modalities has extended our understanding of life science.









讲座名称:2021年国际疾病与生物标志物研讨会】DNA-encoded Amplification for Nucleic Acids Analysis in Single-Cell

讲座人:赵永席 教授






主要研究方向为高通量单分子与单细胞分析、核酸化学与生物学、功能纳米材料与分子探针等。主持国家自然科学基金等多项项目。迄今为止,已在Chemical Reviews (IF 60.622), Journal of the American Chemical Society (IF:15.419),Nature Communications (14.919), Angewandte Chemie International Edition (IF 15.336), Nucleic Acids Research (IF 16.971)等国际权威刊物上发表论文多篇。申请国家发明专利27项,授权21项。荣获2021年陕西高等学校科学技术一等奖(第一完成人),获得中国分析测试协会科学技术奖一等奖(第一完成人),受邀担任Angewandte Chemie International EditionAdvanced Energy MaterialsAnalytical Chemistry等多个国际权威期刊审稿人。



Nucleic acids are natural biopolymers of nucleotides, which carry genetic information and play central roles in cell growth and development. Nucleic acids always present significant differences among individual cells, which can’t be obtained from populations of cells. Single-cell nucleic acids analysis can reveal cell heterogeneity, which is of great significance for life science research and diagnosis of serious diseases. This report will focus on the key scientific issues such as low abundance, numerous in variety, discrimination between homologous sequences, recognition of base modification and spatial proximity of intracellular nucleic acids. A brief summary of our recent development will be provided. 1) single-nucleotide discrimination and multiplex homologous sequences detection in living cells with high sensitivity; 2) quantification of various chemical modifications of nucleic acids in single cells by DNA-encoded amplification with an extended strategy for other characteristics of nucleic acid besides sequences; 3) imaging of molecular organization and proximity in single-cell nanoenvironment with variable resolution and precision.









讲座名称:2021年国际疾病与生物标志物研讨会】 Cellular Mechanobioinformatics -From Technology to Application






熊春阳,北京大学工学院力学与工程科学系教授、博士生导师,兼任北京大学前沿交叉学科研究院研究员。中国力学学会/生物医学工程学会生物力学专委会委员,中国力学学会流体力学专委会微纳尺度流动专业组委员。目前主要从事力学-材料-微纳米技术-生物医学的交叉研究,包括力学生物学、力医学、细胞微环境工程、微流控生物芯片,软物质力学等。已主持国家自然科学基金项目7项,完成(主持或参加)包括国家973项目、国家自然科学基金重点项目、面上项目等课题20余项。已发表SCI论文80余篇,包括Science SignalingElifeJournal of ImmunologyEuropean Journal of ImmunologyAdvanced MaterialsACS NanoSmallBiomaterialsActa BiomaterialiaBiosensors and BioelectronicsLab on a ChipAnalytical Chemistry等,累计被引用超过2000次,H-指数29(Google Scholar)



Many Studies have shown that cells in living organisms can generate various biological responses to external mechanical stimuli, and change intracellular biomechanical signals due to biological alterations arising from physiological or pathological causes as well. The use of cellular mechanical information as a "biomarker" to reflect the biological state of cells and to achieve label-free cell classification and sorting for disease diagnosis and drug screening has gradually become a frontier topic in mechanobiology and mechanomedicine field. To this end, a deep interdisciplinary cross and technology integration, including biology, mechanics, materials, image processing, optoelectronic engineering, artificial intelligence, and microfluidic biochips, is required. This talk will first introduce some basic concepts and ideas of cellular mechanobioinformatics, followed by some of our recent research advances, including: 1) High-throughput cell traction force microscopy (TFM) techniques that can quantitatively characterize cell-substrate mechanics interaction information; 2) Applications of TFM in mechanomedicine, such as lymphocyte mechano-activation and cardiotoxicity testing based on cardiomyocyte contractility; 3) Electrodeformation chip based on DEP force for quantifying global viscoelasticity of cells. 4) Applications of DEP chip in cancer diagnosis, drug evaluation, etc.










讲座名称:2021年国际疾病与生物标志物研讨会】Preliminary exploration of clinical translational research of biomaterials

讲座人:周民 教授






主要研究领域及方向为多模态分子影像探针的研发及其临床转化研究,基于纳米材料的药物装载与控制释放研究, 新型耐药菌治疗技术研究,新型肿瘤治疗技术的研发及其临床转化研究,生物医学光子学,干细胞示踪。



The advancement of modern medicine is inseparable from the development of biomaterials. The report will introduce the research and development of our group on the clinical translation of active microalgae materials, ophthalmic gel materials and other biological materials in recent years, mainly including tumor diagnosis and treatment, ophthalmology, intestinal and pulmonary inflammation treatment, etc.











讲座名称:2021年国际疾病与生物标志物研讨会】Magnetic Resonance Molecular Imaging of Reactive Oxygen Species for Early Stratification of Radiotherapy Response

讲座人:周子健 教授





周子健博士于2015年在厦门大学化学化工学院获得化学生物学博士学位(导师:高锦豪教授),2015-2020年在美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)从事访问和博士后研究工作(导师:Xiaoyuan (Shawn) Chen,现为新加坡国立大学终身教授)。202010月加入厦门大学分子影像暨转化医学研究中心,担任课题组组长、博士生导师。曾获得美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)研究员卓越研究奖Fellows Award for Research Excellence, FARE),2019年被选为美国生物医学影像和工程研究所(NIBIB)研究员代表在NIH年会上汇报工作,入选厦门大学南强青年拔尖人才计划、厦门市高层次留学引进人才等。

周子健博士多年来围绕磁共振分子影像中的三个关键科学问题:(1)造影剂探针的弛豫增强机制;(2)磁共振造影成像的特异性如何提高;(3)针对特定分子的生物功能成像。在分子弛豫机制、分子影像探针的构建和应用、生物活性分子的诊疗功能影像三个方面开展了具有创新地特色研究工作。迄今共发表学术论文80余篇,撰写英文专著章节1章。据Google Scholar统计论文总被引5600余次、H因子为42。以第一或通讯作者在Nature Communications等杂志发表论文20余篇,单篇最高被引800余次,多篇入选ESI高被引论文或杂志卷首论文。现担任ACS NanoAngew Chem Int EdAdv MaterAdv Sci等国际学术期刊的独立审稿人。



Cancer therapy based on reactive oxygen species (ROS)-generation strategies has gained great momentum in recent years. Radiotherapy (RT), referring to external-beam X-ray irradiation hereafter, has gained acceptance for treating over 50% cancer patients in clinic. Unfortunately, the effectiveness of RT is largely compromised due to the heterogeneous radiation responses and radioresistance which vary in different cancer types and among individuals. Recent studies revealed that the acute inflammatory response aroused by RT is responsible to the adaptive immune responses through ROS-mediated cell apoptosis and the ensuing activation of immune system1.Therefore, we hypothesized that the ROS generation from radiation-induced acute inflammation may serve as a molecular target for early stratification of the RT outcomes in cancer therapy. We then designed a magnetic resonance molecular imaging probe to quantify the inflammatory ROS and stratify the RT response in a mouse 4T1 tumor model. The results showed that the T1 relaxation time changes at 24-48 h post RT had strong correlations with the ensuing adaptive immune responses at day 5 (Pearson’s R2 = 0.9664)  and the tumor inhibition rates at day 18 (Pearson’s R2 = 0.8663) after RT, respectively2. This study provides an insight to early stratify RT response targeting the acute inflammatory ROS level, which may shed new light on cancer diagnosis, prognosis and treatment planning for precision cancer therapy.





讲座名称:2021年国际疾病与生物标志物研讨会】Innovations by Combing Micrelectronics and Microfluidicsfor Tumor Cell Detection and Analysis

讲座人:黄成军 教授








Tumor cells separation and detection of body fluids shows great potential for liquid biopsy in early cancer diagostics, prognosic evaluation and metastasisis monitoring. Based on microelectronic and microfluidic technologies, we developed a platform, called "One cell, Triple E" for tumor cell analysis from three aspects of cell enrichment, electrical cytometry, and electroporation, aspectively. Circulating tumor cells in peripheral blood, and pleural effusion samples were isolated and detected with the developed microdevices, which showed greater performance comparing with the conventional methods, in the aspect of sensitivity, efficiency, resolution and through put etc. A highly effective electrotranfection technich was developed in a contstric microchannel for foreign cargos with real-time impedance assessment. These proposed fast and effective methods of rare cell enrichment and analysis are expected to be applied in clinical applications.











讲座名称:2021年国际疾病与生物标志物研讨会】Nanoparticle-based therapeutics for inflammatory bowel diseases

讲座人:张明真 教授








Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, are chronic relapsing disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Characterized pathologically by intestinal inflammation and epithelial injury, great challenges exist for the treatment of IBD due to its complicated etiology and incurable nature. Traditional strategies rely on frequent and long-term administration of high dosages of anti-inflammatory drugs, which inevitably cause side effects. Therefore, novel therapeutic methods and drug delivery systems capable of improving therapeutic effect while simultaneously decreasing side effects need to be developed. The emergence of nanotechnology provides alternative approaches for diagnosis and treatment of IBD, as nanoparticles (NPs) have unique physicochemical properties such as targeting to the site of inflammation and the ability to alter the pharmacokinetics of traditional drugs.

Nanoparticles-based drug delivery systems for IBD which developed in our team will be given. Challenges and prospects in the field will be proposed to promote the development of targeted drug delivery for IBD treatment.





讲座名称:2021年国际疾病与生物标志物研讨会】Soft Electrochemcial/Electronic Devices and Their Applications in Point-of-Care Testing

讲座人:李菲 教授





李菲,博士,西安交通大学生命科学与技术学院教授、博导。在电化学扫描探针显微镜技术和构建各种细胞纳米探针应用于细胞电化学检测方面有近20年的研究经历,形成了基于电化学扫描探针显微镜技术,并结合组织工程学、生物力学、材料学、微/纳技术和医学等学科的单细胞电化学检测与成像以及即时检测芯片技术的交叉研究方向。出版中英文学术专著章节2章,教材2本。至今在Chem. Rev.Adv. Funct. Mater.Mater. Horiz.Nano Lett.SmallBiosensor & Bioelectron.Anal. Chem.等国际知名期刊上发表SCI论文76篇,影响因子>10论文14篇,ESI高被引论文5篇,期刊封面/封底论文11篇,SCI引用>2500次,H因子26。出版中英文学术专著2部(各1章节),授权专利8件。入选国家高层次留学人才回国资助人选,陕西省杰出青年科学基金获得者。连续4年获陕西高等学校科学技术一等奖2017201920202021年度)和第六届中国侨界贡献奖等。



Using soft materials (e.g., paper, hydrogel) to replace the traditional hard materials (e.g., glass, silicon) as substrates have become a recent trend in developing point-of-care testing (POCT) platforms. And through integration of the soft materials with electrochemical or electric devices can further extend the applications of POCT. In our recent work, we used four kinds of soft materials, including paper, PDMS, hydrogel and liquid marble, as the new soft substrates of POCT platforms and realized their new applications in POCT. For example, by integration of the electrodes and hydrophobic channels on paper through simply writing method using home-made pens, the fabricated paper-based electrochemical devices have been successfully applied to detect glucose in artificial urine and melamine in sample solutions. By fabrication of MWNTs/PDMS fibers as multifunctional sensors and integration them on a glove, the measurement of gesture recognition and temperature have been realized by the “smart” glove. Through injection of liquid metal into the 3D helical structure of hydrogel and combination the hydrogel with electronic sensing device, the temperature, UV sensing and EMG signal detections have been performed by the wearable, multifunctional hydrogel device. By using liquid marble asa separator and small device for isoelectric focusing, the POCT separation and analysis of proteins have been realized. The proposed new soft platforms show wide application potential in POCT.





讲座名称:2021年国际疾病与生物标志物研讨会】3D-Printed paper cartridge and its Applications in the Drug preconcentration and direct quantification in biofluids

讲座人:胡波 教授





胡波,男,博士,教授,博士生导师,陕西省高层次青年人才,华山学者菁英人才”, 国家重点研发计划评审专家,中国高校创新创业教育研究中心专家库第一批入库专家,教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心博士学位论文通讯评审专家,陕西省科技厅评审专家,陕西省科技奖励评审专家,中国生物医学工程学会会员,中国微米纳米技术学会会员,中国化学会会员,中国生物物理学会会员,高级技术经理人。



Drug detection in biofluids has always been great importance for clinical diagnosis. Many detection technologies such as chromatography-mass spectrometry, have been applied to the detection of drugs. However, these technologies required multi-step operations, including complicated and time-consuming pretreatment processes and operations of bulky detection instruments, significantly limiting development of drug detection in clinical diagnosis. Herein, a portable 3D-printed paper cartridge was fabricated for fast sample preconcentration and direct drugs quantitative detection in biofluids by a portable Raman spectrometer. This cartridge contained both paper tip with silver nanowires to preconcentrate samples and achieve surface-enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) measurement, and 3D-printed cartridge to build enclosed environment for the improvement of detection, which cost only one dollar. The preconcentration ability of the cartridge was up to 18.13-fold fluorescence enhancement and compared to the non-preconcentration method, it achieved 9.93-fold improvement of SERS performance. The anticancer drug of epirubicin hydrochloride, cyclophosphamide and their mixtures were quantitatively detected in the bovine serum or artificial urine. The integrated detection procedure required only 1 h, including sample pretreatment and preconcentration, drying, SERS measurements, and quantification analysis. This 3D-printed paper cartridge constituted a portable detection platform that would be potentially a practical and point-of-care detection tool for drug preconcentration and quantification on the clinical diagnosis.






